Understanding the Difference Between Capital “D” Disabled and Lowercase “d” Disabled

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Language has immense power. It can shape our perceptions, attitudes, and even our identities. In recent years, a distinction has emerged between Capital D Disabled and lowercase d disabled. These terms are not just about grammar; they reflect a deeper understanding of disability and the identity and experiences of the individuals.

Defining the Terms

Capital D Disabled:

This term often refers to individuals who identify strongly with their disability as a part of their identity. Capitalising the “D” signifies that the person embraces and acknowledges their disability as a significant aspect of who they are. For many Capital D Disabled individuals, their disability is not something they wish to hide or minimise; instead, they see it as an integral part of their lives.

Lowercase d disabled:

In contrast, “lowercase d disabled” is a more neutral term. It refers to individuals who have a disability but may not necessarily view it as a core aspect of their identity. This term is often used when discussing disability in a more general and/more medical sense, without emphasising the personal or cultural aspects of it.

Understanding the Significance

Identity and Empowerment:

Each individual can choose how they use the capitalisation. The distinction between Capital D Disabled and lowercase d disabled is about respecting individual autonomy and identity. For some, identifying as Capital D Disabled can be empowering and a means of connecting with a larger community of individuals who share similar experiences. We need to recognise the difference respects the diverse ways people choose to define themselves (not just in relation to disability).

Social and Cultural Perspectives:

Capital D Disabled reflects the social model of disability, which places emphasis on society’s role in creating barriers for disabled individuals.The lowercase d disabled can be (but is not always) associated with the medical model.By using Capital D Disabled, we challenge societal norms and expectations that often marginalise disabled people.

Inclusivity and Language Evolution:

Language evolves to reflect changing societal perspectives and values. Capital D Disabled emerged as a way to advocate for inclusive language and to break down stereotypes associated with disability. It signals an effort to be more respectful, inclusive, and sensitive to the experiences of disabled individuals.

But ultimately it is a personal choice for a disabled individual to use language that they are comfortable with, identify with and choose to use. Everyone’s choice will be different.

Why It Matters

  • Respect and Dignity: Using the appropriate terminology shows respect for an individual’s chosen identity.
  • Promoting Inclusivity: Capital D Disabled emphasises the importance of creating an inclusive and accessible society. It encourages us to challenge prejudices and dismantle barriers.
  • Awareness and Education: Understanding the distinction between these terms helps promote awareness and educate people about the diverse experiences within the disabled community.

The distinction between Capital D Disabled and lowercase d disabled reflects a shift towards more inclusive and respectful language when discussing disability.

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