person working at desk with lapstop and research pages on the desk.

The Careers Research & Advisory Centre (CRAC) has published the Life at the Young Bar report which was commissioned by the Bar Council and presents a snapshot of life at the Young Bar in 2021.

The research within this report considers the demographics of the Young Bar, and what this means in terms of access to justice and the profession in the coming years. It explores differences by practice area, and what this might suggest in terms of targeted action and support. It captures the experience and views of young barristers on life at the Bar, aspirations for their future, career development and their wellbeing, and what this means in terms of how we as a profession need to modernise the way we practise. And, given the timing of this research, it provides a useful insight into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on new practitioners and pupils, and what we can learn from this.

The report found that the extent of reporting of disability was higher in responses to the BWL survey
than in the Bar Council’s CRM records with just under 1 in 8 of Young Bar respondents reporting
that they were disabled

Read or download a full copy of the report here.

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