Have a dedicated disability officer
If you don’t already have a dedicated disability officer you should consider having one. This may be someone who has an official role/title as disability officer or someone within your HR/People team who fulfils this role and is the go-to person for disabled employees (and supervisors/managers who have a disabled person on their team) to discuss support and reasonable adjustments.
The disability officer would act as a point of contact. The experience of many disabled employees can be difficult and frustrating when they don’t have a dedicated point of contact that has experience of assisting disabled employees or where they talk to different people each time they need support.
For example, a disability officer can be a point of contact for disabled employees to discuss new working environments, reasonable adjustments, and any changes they might require. This may be because they are not comfortable speaking to their supervisor/manager about it, or it might be because their supervisor/manager wants to be supportive but is unsure how to help.
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