Project Rise is a cross-firm enterprise initiated by the Law Society’s Disabled Solicitors Network (DSN), that seeks to encourage more part-time training opportunities to be offered in the legal sector.
The project – supported by Aspiring Solicitors – is not exclusively designed to benefit disabled trainees. There are many people from diverse backgrounds who would benefit from having the option of completing their training contract part-time (fewer than 32 hours per week), including those with caring responsibilities.
The following firms now offer part-time training as a matter of course:
- Bates Wells
- Browne Jacobson
- Eversheds Sutherland
- Freeths
- Osborne Clarke
with Bates Wells, Browne Jacobson and Freeths to Project Rise joining this year.
Further Reading:
- Project Rise – a part-time training initiative
- Project Rise adds more firms offering part-time training
- Browne Jacobson re-affirms its commitments to diversifying the legal sector by joining The Law Society’s part-time training initiative
- More firms commit to offering part-time training for disabled aspiring lawyers